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Events & Promotions

Shop Local Campaigns

At various times throughout the year, promotion of local businesses, and promotion of shopping locally will be carried out. The goal is to increase customer traffic for our members while decreasing congestion on the roads heading out of the surrounding community. With increased business comes more businesses, and with more businesses, the community will become stronger and the cycle continues.

Shop Local Advertising

In addition to the seasonal campaigns, a monthly promotional feature is published in The Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows News. Member businesses may participate in the advertising at a discounted rate at any time throughout the year. Each month we focus on a different segment of our membership, as well as vary the themes for the season.

Coupon Book

The DMRBIA also produces coupon books in which local merchants may place a coupon for a very affordable price. These coupon books are distributed at festivals and events around Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows free of charge, and also given to high-traffic establishments and local businesses.

3/50 Project

A great idea that encourages spending a total of $50 in three independent businesses per month in order to bolster the local economy. It's such an easy change to make - simply divert $50 per month of money you would already be spending into local, independent businesses instead of a big box or chain store. Buy your bread at a local bakery, shop for new clothes at an independent clothing store, or grab a coffee from a new cafe - you'll meet people in the community, try something new and help stimulate the local economy!

If your business would like to participate in any of our Shop Local Campaigns, please contact the office. 604-467-2420.

Business to Business Social Events

Held monthly every 2nd Thursday from 5 - 7 pm, this event is designed to bring our members together in a casual environment for open and unstructured discussion on topics of mutual interest. Meet fellow members, the Executive Director and members of the Board of Directors. Find out first hand what is happening, where things are going and how to get involved. This is an excellent opportunity for members to network with other downtown business owners and staff and to showcase various businesses and restaurants located downtown.

This program brings together a small number of business owners and staff at a local business for conversation with drinks, tapas or dinner. Each month we seek a new business to meet at, and vary the topics, participants and design of the evening. We try to keep the event under two hours, which at times could be difficult when too much fun is had. Light snacks and beverages are provided, which varies for each gathering.

If you are interested in attending or hosting one of these events, please contact our office. 604-467-2420.

Event Funding and Sponsorship

The Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association is able to provide financial support and general assistance for events located within the BIA area. We are able to assist in communication with member businesses, provide community knowledge, advise and assist with access to community resources, provide general planning and promotional assistance, offer the services of our Core Area Patrol (CAP), and offer funds for event operations.

Events must meet a minimum criteria to be considered as an applicant. You may download the PDF Introduction letter and Application form below, or obtain a copy from the DMRBIA office. If you have any questions, please contact the DMRBIA office.

Minimum Criteria:

  • Event located in downtown Maple Ridge;
  • Business plan prepared;
  • Provides an economic benefit to the downtown community,

The following criteria are preferred over others:

  • Not for profit event (or organization);
  • Inclusion of local businesses;
  • Minimal or no cost to attend;
  • Attendees encouraged to participate in activities;
  • Family friendly

Letter of Introduction to the Sponsorship Program (pdf)

DMRBIA Event Funding & Sponsorship Application (pdf)

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