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The DMRBIA Committees serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors within their respective areas of responsibility. Members, including Board Members, are unpaid volunteers who devote countless hours of their time to these BIA activities. All members or their delegates may serve on these committees. Typically, each term of office runs for two years; members are appointed by the Board.

Mission: To establish consistent and coordinated aesthetic improvements within the BIA and develop coordinated efforts between merchants, property owners, other community groups and the City, to improve streetscape and property within the BIA area.

The purpose of the Beautification & Revitalization Committee is to enhance and beautify the downtown core, the Committee is committed to work towards a clean and beautiful downtown through such areas as overall streetscape, litter pick up, benches, flower baskets, banners, murals, seasonal decoration, lighting, etc. The Committee develops programs and co-ordinates efforts with and between business owners, property owners, community groups, and the City of Maple Ridge to improve streetscape, properties and business operations within the BIA. Some of the issues this Committee addresses are graffiti, parking, lighting, tree trimming, and business signage. The Façade Improvement Program is one of the committee’s most successful projects to date; an annual program, providing an opportunity for property and/or business owners to receive a grant towards Facade Improvement.

Mission: To liase and support existing events, create new events in the BIA and promote downtown and its businesses to residents inside and outside the BIA.

The purpose of the Events and Marketing Committee includes two mandates, firstly to support events within the downtown area which significantly benefit businesses, either directly or indirectly. Events include public festivals and private member-only functions. The committee shall work with existing events and may provide support through sponsorship, liasing and coordinating efforts with BIA members, seeking volunteers or other administrative and logistical support. Secondly, to promote and advertize the Association, its members and the Area. Through its ‘Downtown Five by Five’ program, the Committee brings members together with the goal of improving member networking, and ensure business owners and staff are aware of the BIA and its operations. The Committee oversees maintenance of the website. Through its ‘Speaker’s Series’ the Committee will present topics aimed at assisting BIA members to continue to improve their businesses and properties.

Mission: To improve the level of safety by participating in social, security and policing efforts in the BIA with all stakeholders.

The Safety and Security Committee's mandate is to reduce crime and increase safety in the BIA Area. Through well developed and excellent working relationships with the RCMP, the Maple Ridge Bylaws Department and private security organizations, the Committee has been able to implement several strategies to benefit the downtown including the property trespass management program and the Core Area Patrol (CAP).

Mission: To seek highly qualified and dedicated members to recommend for election to the Board of Directors.

The Nominating Committee leads the search for, screening, evaluating, and recommending to the Board qualified candidates or nominees for election or appointment as directors, consistent with Board requirements and policy. The Committee members have the responsibility for seeking the best qualified representatives of the membership to serve for a two year term on the Board.

The Nominating Committee operates for approximately three months prior to each AGM.

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